Joliet Singles - Free Dating United States - UK Singles Dating

UK Cupid Dating App & Free Online Dating Site. Here are singles women and men who recently logged in or registered at this UK cupid dating site & online UK dating app resided in Joliet of United States. To view and chat UK cupid singles at Joliet, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

mary007, Joliet, United States
Joliet, United States
Looking for:

I'm well-figured with an outgoing personality and love to smile. very sensual, creative,intelligent, and driven by my passions, enjoy theater/art, love to travel, would be empty without music and bored without great conversation. I am a Christian. I am a spiritual sort, who values consciousness and honest communication. I am a professional model.
Love nice things in life, but don't allow it to consume who i am as a person. not high maintenance but on another level, much more comfortable with those who reside on the same. I like to share emotion with other people and like it when people do the same with me.
I am looking for a good soul that lives his life with integrity and sincerity. Cigarettes and regular alcohol use are my turn offs. I find gentle and compassionate guy/man to be very attractive. I'm not a saint or a Rhode Scholar, I'm sure I have my quirks like everyone else. Feel free to email me if you are interested, and let embark on a blissful journey of love, friendship and companionship. I am actually looking for someone who has strong family values, who i can live the rest of my life with.

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