Findlay Singles - Free Dating United States - UK Singles Dating

UK Cupid Dating App & Free Online Dating Site. Here are singles women and men who recently logged in or registered at this UK cupid dating site & online UK dating app resided in Findlay of United States. To view and chat UK cupid singles at Findlay, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

veronicamayers111, 19840530, Findlay, Ohio, United States
Findlay, Ohio, United States
About yourself:
I'm veronica from USA and I'm loving looking for a partner for long term and I'm honestly and friendly and to add up with
Looking for:

Hello I'm Veronica from USA and I'm looking for a Soulmate a loving man to be with and who.wilp love me and I don't care if he has a kid or not I will love all together and if he has a kid I will love the kid as mine own child and we will raise the child together and we will take good care of the child

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